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Library Information
2023-12-27 19:16:35
Contact InformationAddress : Jln. Ir. M. Putuhena, Kampus A, Poka. Ambon. Maluku, Indonesia. 97233Phone Number : (0911) 3825216Fax Number : (0911) 3825216Opening HoursSenin - Jumat : Buka : 08:00 WITIstirahat : 12:00 - 13:00 WITTutup : 17:00 WIT CollectionsWe have many types of collections in ...
Homepage Info
2023-12-27 19:12:15
Welcome To Digital Library (DIGILIB) FKIP UNPATTI. Use DIGILIB to search digital books collection in our library...
Akses Katalog Publik Daring - Gunakan fasilitas pencarian untuk mempercepat penemuan data katalog